28 February 2013

Rokoko Pt.1

I was going back and listening to all the older songs I loved
And I found a bunch from the 1990s and early 2000s!

This was one of my favorite non-Japanese songs of all time:

This is called "Sweet Lullaby"
It is an old folklore song from the Solomon Islands

I really like it because it is calming and the abstract video just amazes me

This is a song from the artist KOKIA, who is very talented
She can sing traditional Japanese, which is so surprising
It is one of the hardest things to learn, at least, to me

It is titled "Harmony" in English
She sings the lyrics in what a lot of people call backwards
But it is sort of like Pig Latin in Japanese...
She also uses numbers in the beginning to spell out the title of the song

3[C] 25[Y] 15[O] 21[U] 23[W] 1[A]

Cyouwa is Japanese for Harmony

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