23 January 2013


Hello everyone!
It's been a long time since I've updated, haven't I?
Sorry about it! Things have been so busy...

I got sick with the flu going around the area last week and wasn't able to move from my bed w w ||orz
I was able to choreograph for dance in my head, though
My dance mates thought it was a great piece, so now we're practicing it for Friday, when we preform

I've been preparing for Anime Expo 2013 as well!

w w w w w Yes, I use SAI Paint Tool Program
It is very easy for me to use since I'm very lazy (グダグダ w w w) when it comes to coloring
Someone told me my style is very good, but I just look at my drawings... mjk !!
I am currently drawing "Phantom: Requiem for Phantom" because I love the music
But Reiji strikes me as someone who isn't mature

I've also been using slang more often now...
I think it's because I want to be able to say something as quickly as possible
So the "mjk" and "グダグダ" is being used often now
"w w" and "orz" I have always used (*^_^*)

Well, it's time to write reports as I listen to "Superstar!" from the Phantom: Requiem OST
See you in a later post! I'll explain the internet slang later...

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